हाथा (Hatha)

Hatha is a wooden container of rice and curry made during a Hathasuni/Hathaseni haba (traditional Bodo wedding), where the bride carries the rice and curry and serves a small portion to the groom and the villagers present at the wedding ceremony.
Cultural Narrative: 

Bodos have different types of traditional marriages. These are-

1) Swngnanwi Lainai Haba (Arranged marriage)

2) Gwrjiya Lakhinai Haba (solemnized at the bride's house and groom staying with bride's family)

3) Kharsonnai Haba (girl flee away before the settlement of the marriage)

4) Bwnanwi Lainai (marriage by capture)

5) Dwnkarnai (elopement)

6) Dongkha habnai (widow re-marriage)

To celebrate all these types of marriage, Bodos also have different forms off marriage systems. Hathasuni Haba or Hathasuni Khurnai is the earliest and most common traditional form of marriage of the Bodo community. In the Hathasuni Haba, both the bride and groom are seated in front of a Bathou and the priest recites a mantra invoking the Bathou Bwrai with practicing some rituals and announces that the bride and groom have married each other. As a custom, the bride cooks rice and curry prepared from rice powder and chicken without spices and turmeric, which is called Ondlakhari. The bride offers a little portion of the food to the household deities and the priest recites mantras introducing the couple to gods and goddesses and pray to grant them a peaceful married life.  As a ritual, just after the completion of the prayer, bride carries rice and curry (placed on banana leaf) on two Hathas and serves a little portion of rice and curry to the groom and the villagers present in the wedding ceremony.

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